Kindergarten Curriculum

Language Arts and Writing
Kindergarten is an exciting time for students as they begin to see their understanding of language result in being independent readers and writers. Students in Kindergarten learn:
Concepts about print
Sounding out words to read and write
Sight words
Writing sentences
Recognizing letter and word patterns and rules
Social Studies
Social studies is a time when curious Kindergarteners can learn more about themselves and their community. The year begins with learning about a country and preparation for International Night. Additional themes include:
American symbols
Community helpers
Christmas around the world
My plate nutrition and hygiene
Buying groceries
Geography and map skills
Everybody has a home
Different kinds of farmers
Wants and needs
Kindergarteners channel their excitement into hands on lessons that focus largely on:
Seasonal concepts (apples, pumpkins, maple sugaring)
Human body
The water cycle
Students in Kindergarten begin to dig deep into elements of the Catholic faith. Kindergarteners attend weekly Mass with the assistance of their 7th grade Church Buddies. The Circle of Grace curriculum is introduced to provide a holistic approach to the safety, well-being, and spiritual formation of children and youth. Among other lessons, the following concepts are explored:
The Trinity
Understanding the Mass and the Church (inside and out)
Liturgical Seasons
Jesus’ life and miracles
Math is a busy time for Kindergarten students! Students participate in a whole group lesson, complete work from the Sadlier Progress in Mathematics program, and then move into small group tasks. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade follow a Math Menu structure, similar to a workshop style, which encourages students to build independence while practicing 21st century skills of work ethic, collaboration, and communication. Concepts explored include:
One to one correspondence to 50 (counting and reading)
Counting by 10s
Addition with sums to 10
Time to the hour
Greater/less than
Coin identification and counting coins
3D shapes
Fact families
Develop problem solving skills