Developing the whole person...

All students:
As members of the Saint Francis Xavier School community, all students are expected to attend the school Masses and religious education classes and be respectful of the faith practices of the community.
Catholic Students:
We are committed to working as partners with parents in fulfilling their obligation for the Catholic
formation and education of their children.
Non-Catholic Christian Students:
The focus is on deepening personal relationships with Jesus Christ and developing a greater understanding between churches. Students from non-Christian faith backgrounds, and those who may not identify with any faith:
We value diversity and we respect all faiths and those who do not identify with any faith tradition.
We know from experience that these students and their families appreciate, and benefit from, the principles and values we teach and embrace at Saint Francis.
Faculty and Staff:
We understand that Christ is the ultimate model for everyone in a Catholic school. As Catholic educators we seek to imitate Him by providing living examples of Catholic values, lifestyle and behavior for students. We show and foster understanding and reverence for the Sacraments, and we demonstrate kindness and Christian charity toward all students, both in and out of the classroom. We are committed to professional excellence and personal spiritual development, knowing that our development is crucial to how we lead and educate the students entrusted to our care.
“What greater work is there than training the mind and forming the habits of the young?”
- St. John Chrysostom
At Saint Francis Xavier School, we welcome students of all faiths, but the Catholic faith is integral to everything we do within the classroom, the school, and the community. We offer students a complete Catholic formation in order to foster that unity between faith, culture and life which is the fundamental goal of Christian education.
"SFX has helped my child continue to grow in faith while learning foreign languages and leadership skills and building friendships. The benefits of Catholic education to me are the reinforcement of Catholic values and Catholic teaching and the availability of the sacraments in a fun atmosphere. I love SFX because my son loves it, and he is happy there."
~ Bridget Mount, parent
“I’ve come to realize that Saint Francis is as true an opportunity to develop one’s goodness as a child will ever have. I’ve gone from being a skeptical ‘public school for all’ proponent to Saint Francis’ biggest non-Catholic cheerleader.”
~ Michael Ohler, parent
"The Saint Francis community builds you up. They make you feel good about life. It has something to do with the students of course; they're just beautiful. They make you feel good. They're trying to be good human beings. It has a lot to do with our teachers. They get it. They are fully into the mission and they love it."
~ Fr. Scott Gratton
What are some of the ways our faith is nurtured?

At the weekly Mass, students are active in the liturgy, serving as readers, choir members, and altar servers.

During the course of the year, students participate in special activities for the different seasons of the Catholic Church. Students celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, observe the seasons of Advent and Lent, and learn about the holy men and women who are role models for us in our journey of faith.

Students are encouraged to live their faith by participating in food drives, collecting household items for the needy, visiting the sick and elderly, and participating in community service in their home parishes and communities.

Catholic students preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion will receive their required preparation in second grade religion class.
Saint Francis Xavier School continues the tradition handed down by the founding Sisters of Providence of “Living and teaching in the spirit of Christ.”